Friday, June 24, 2011

May Highlights

I realize that I didn't post for the entire month of May and I'm not doing so well with June so far... let's try and resuscitate this blog!  Philip had four days off for the Golden Week holidays in Japan, and decided to take two vacation days, giving him 10 days off in a row from April 29th to May 8th.  Bliss!  We rested as much as possible the first few days and did little outings.  Then my Mom came halfway through the first week of May and we started being a bit more adventurous.  Mom was in town for the majority of the month, and I decided to focus on spending time with her rather than hanging out on the interwebs in my free time.  We got out of the apartment and around Tokyo as much as possible, which was infinitely easier with her help.  I considered doing several posts to chronicle the month, but I decided that I'd just get more behind on blogging the here and now.  So here is a photo recap of May:

Just an old VW Bus?  Nope.
An adorable coffee shop on wheels.  Awesome cafe lattes!

My favorite boys at our favorite Mexican place in Tokyo.  Killer fish tacos!

Mom, Matthias, and I at Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine in a beautiful park-like setting.

Yoyogi Park, one of Tokyo's largest parks.
Extreme hacky sack in the park.  Check out the muscle definition!

One of the many arts/hobbies being practiced at the park.

My loves!

Park bench diaper change.  No changing tables that we could find!

Strolling in Shibuya.

Waterfront at Odaiba, a manmade island on Tokyo Bay.

Waterfront shot with the ferris wheel.

Matthias started with solids on Mother's Day.

Avocado slices were a big hit!

Matthias loved learning to drink water from his straw cup.
He got more confident with sitting up each day!

Baby at work!

Engakuji temple in Kamakura, a quaint seaside town.

My pretty Mom and I.

Incredible carvings on the temple doors.

"Ringing" the temple bell.

M's first ocean experience.

My guys in their natural habitat.


  1. Aww he's gotten so big! I'm so glad you posted I was wondering how you were doing! :)

  2. Love the pictures. Thank you, Katie!
